Posts Tagged 'what hiring managers are looking for'

Do you hire Jack or Jill?


The hiring manager has a dilemma.  Put yourself in their shoes.

Here is the hypothetical interview conundrum for the hiring manager looking for a worker.

Jack and Jill both applied for the water fetching job they saw on the job board. The qualifications required 5 years of pertinent experience plus proper education, references etc…

Both Jack and Jill had “strong”  interviews, looked professional and told the interviewer:

1) They spent the last 10 years fetching water.

2)     They even have fetched water up a hill.

3)     They both went to college and have liberal arts degrees from reputable schools.

4)      They both said they love fetching water.

5)     They both suggested they work really hard fetching water.

6)      They both said previous bosses, would definitely say they were really good water fetchers.

7)     Then post interview the hiring manager reviewed Google, LinkedIn & Facebook, and confirmed they both check out online. 


So, how does the hiring manager decide who to hire?  Where is the differentiation?

  • Did either candidate inquire about why the company needs water fetched?
  • Did either candidate discuss how they uniquely fetch water?
  • Did either candidate probe on the company’s water challenges and goals?
  • Did either candidate discuss alternative, efficient water fetching techniques?
  • Did either candidate ask why the company did not dig another Well?
  • Did either candidate tell the story of What if, the company built a Well on the flat area, to save energy and the personal liability insurance associated with falling on a hill?
  • What about building a pump system?


Hopefully, the point is now clear.  Interview differentiation is critical. Understanding the hiring managers goal and expressing that not only are you experienced at the task at hand, but also understand the problem, the goal and can help achieve a better future state will really resonate.  There are simply to many people competing for jobs with similar experience and qualifications.


Do you actually remember the nursery rhyme?

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.

Up Jack got, and home did trot, as fast as he could caper,

To old Dame Dob, who patched his nob with vinegar and brown paper.

Job Interviewing: Top Ten Traits Hiring Managers Are Looking For


You’ve secured the interview.

You’ve got your full complement of personal marketing materials:  Business Cards, extra resumes, and other visual collateral that demonstrates your accomplishments and value.

You will be given 30 minutes with the hiring manager, and you are wondering how much to talk and how much to listen.

You are asking yourself; beyond fulfilling the job description duties, what is the hiring manager looking for in the candidate they plan to hire.

Here are 10 traits that almost every hiring manager is looking for when adding talent to their team.  These traits will not necessarily be listed in any job description, but they are simply qualities that managers desire in their workforce.

  1. Enthusiasm- It’s contagious and employers want employees that are excited about the firm, the job and the overall opportunity.
  2. Motivation- No firm wants an unmotivated workforce.  Convey to the prospective employer that you are self driven.
  3. Integrity- Ethics and high personal values are always a key hiring trait.
  4. Resilience- Do you demonstrate perseverance or are you a complainer when tasks or goals are tough?
  5. Ability to learn- Every job requires some level of new training. Can you articulate and provide examples of your ability to self improve?
  6. Self Awareness- Are you grounded? Do you truly understand where you fit in the corporate hierarchy and are you honest as well as realistic about your skill set.
  7. Pride- Do you value your work product or are you punching the clock and collecting the check?
  8. Task Accomplisher- Talk is cheap and actually can slow progress. Quite simply, managers want employees that get stuff done!
  9. Technologically Comfortable- There is virtually no job that does not touch technology on some level. Candidates must communicate comfort with technology. Comfort is very different from expertise.
  10. Logical- It’s hard to argue with logic. If you can demonstrate some level of deductive reasoning, it typically resonates with hiring managers. Clearly communicate you have strong “common sense”.

Before you go to your next interview, think about how you are going to convey these traits.  If you can demonstrate them, you will have a much more successful job search. Good Luck!

Career Digital